Sunday, August 21, 2011

Emerson's New Rocking Chair

When Brad's mom (a.k.a. Gran) was in town last month, she decided to buy Emerson a bare wood rocking chair under one condition: I paint it! Well, we have been working on it for several weeks now and here is the finished product. I am actually very pleased with the way it turned out and Emerson LOVES rocking in it! Thanks to Brad for sanding it and putting down the base coat of paint and laying down the clear finishing coat (couldn't do it b/c of the fumes and being pregnant). You can see more pics in our photo gallery to the right.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Drum Roll Please....

We have reached the halfway mark in this pregnancy (20 weeks) which means finding out the sex of the baby! We had our 20 week ultrasound earlier this week and everything looked great and we could not feel more blessed.
We are so excited to announce that we are having another GIRL!! And after much thought, we have decided her name will be
"Ivy" is a name that Brad and I both loved and felt it was just fitting for our second daughter. Her middle name, "Sabine", is a literary character from a series of whimsical books (Griffin and Sabine series by Nick Bantock) that I was introduced to many years ago and that I love. Below are pics from our 20 week ultrasound of Miss Ivy and a pic of my growing belly at 16 weeks. Thank you all for your continued prayers, love and support.

Saturday, June 4, 2011


Well, the Clarks are excited to announce that Miss Emerson will become a big sister come January! Brad and I were elated to find out that we were expecting again and that Emerson would have a sibling so close in age (22 months apart). We are due January 2nd and cannot wait to have another little one in our home. We just ask for your prayers and blessings for this baby and our family. We love you all and are so happy to share this wonderful news with each of you. Here is our precious baby's first photo at 9 weeks.

Emerson's 1-Year Birthday and Pics

Okay, so I know that we have been slacking when it comes to updating our blog, but I have finally sat down to put up some pics and fill you all in on what's going on with the Clarks. Well, since our last post, Miss Emerson has been growing like crazy and we can hardly believe that she has been in our lives for over a year already. What an amazing and blessed year it has been for us. Emerson turned one on March 4th and we had a birthday celebration with family and friends at our home - complete with cupcakes, candy bar, presents and lots of laughter and love. Emerson also received her first haircut on her birthday (boy, did we need it!!). Finally, she also had her one-year pics taken with our wonderful photographer, Susan Brewer. Here are just some photos of the birthday events. Thanks to everyone who made her birthday so special - we LOVE you all.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Pumpkin Pickin'

Here are a few pictures of Miss Emerson at her first pumpkin patch. We visited Denver Downs Farm to get some pumpkins for the fall.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Child Dedication at Springwell Church

Daddy and Mommy with Emerson
Grandma and Grandpa Clark with Emerson

Brad and I had the great privilege of dedicating Emerson during the child dedication at our church on Sunday, September 12th. We were among several families that shared in this special moment in each of our lives. Each day we look at Emerson, we are reminded of how awesome God is and how much He loves us to bless our home with such a beautiful child.
Family Pastor, Chip Joiner, with the Clarks

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Chip Off The Old Block

This is a picture of me at around 4 months of age with one of Emerson at the same age - and people say she looks like me??