This year we decided to get both of our families together in Texas at Brad's parent's house. Tom and Cindy were so gracious in having all 13 of us (including the cat and dog) at their house. My Dad came from Little Rock; my sister, brother-in-law and nephew came from Oklahoma, my Dad's fiance and her son came from California and we came from South Carolina!! We all cooked (no oven fires this year!), the guys played golf (Sam got his first lesson), the girls did some Black Friday shopping and we went to a baby shower for Brad's cousin Amanda and her husband, Sananda (who are having twin girls). The highlight had to be the standoff between Crew (my 10-month old nephew) and Levi (Barry's new fox terrier) - the two of them chased each other all over Tom and Cindy's living room - it was pretty hilarious. It was such a great time and we already miss everyone. Here are a few pics from the week.