Sunday, November 23, 2008

Praying for a Mighty Wind...

Well, it seems that the South Carolina leaves that were so beautiful a few weeks ago (see previous blog entry) have ALL made their way into our yard.  If you think I am kidding, here are a few fast facts about the Clark household this past weekend:
1. 1 Leaf Blower/Mulcher 
2. 1 Large Plastic Rake
3. Two sets of work gloves
4. 1 Lawn Mower
5. 9 Hours of raking, blowing, mulching, picking up and bagging of leaves over two days
6. An entire weekend of hearing Brad moan about how much he hurts...everywhere 
After all this, we ended up with FORTY-SIX 40-gallon lawn bags (yes, I said 46 bags) worth of leaves - and sadly, that is still not all the leaves from our yard.  We managed to make one GIANT leaf pile with the remaining leaves and are debating between burning and bagging them - we are leaning towards fire (especially since its legal to burn within city limits)!!  In the end, we know that all the leaves have not fallen yet, so we have at least one more go around with this....unless a mighty wind makes its way into Greenville and blows all our leaves into the neighbors's for praying!!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Fall in the Blue Ridge Mountains

Here's a look at the beautiful trees in this part of the country!  What can I say, we're blessed.