Friday, August 19, 2011

Drum Roll Please....

We have reached the halfway mark in this pregnancy (20 weeks) which means finding out the sex of the baby! We had our 20 week ultrasound earlier this week and everything looked great and we could not feel more blessed.
We are so excited to announce that we are having another GIRL!! And after much thought, we have decided her name will be
"Ivy" is a name that Brad and I both loved and felt it was just fitting for our second daughter. Her middle name, "Sabine", is a literary character from a series of whimsical books (Griffin and Sabine series by Nick Bantock) that I was introduced to many years ago and that I love. Below are pics from our 20 week ultrasound of Miss Ivy and a pic of my growing belly at 16 weeks. Thank you all for your continued prayers, love and support.

1 comment:

Gran & Pop Pop said...

Love all of you guys! So excited about Miss Ivy and know that Emerson will be a great big sister.
Love Gran & Pop Pop